Spring break

    Spring break was a huge set back in the production of my magazine, in the sense that I failed to keep up with a lot of the things necessary for my magazine. Although I did get a few things done, I was not able to go accordingly with my shooting schedule. My cover magazine model left town for spring break and my other model was not able to plan accordingly. With this said, I have rescheduled shooting dates. The model for my cover page is coming back into town and I have already made plans to shoot with him either April 2nd or April 3rd, whichever of the two days are more available. And for my other model, as of now, our plan is to shoot between April 6th and 8th.

     Although it may seem like I am cutting it really close to the deadline by taking the pictures 1-2 weeks before the due date, I am going to work extremely hard on completing the entire content of the magazine before taking the pictures. This is so that by the time that I have taken the pictures, I just have to insert them into my magazine, which will already be completed.


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